SPE Fort Worth

Chairperson's Newsletter - Winter 2025

We are rounding out the second half of our 2024-2025 season, and we have an eventful year lined up. First, thank you to our members for making the Holiday Happy Hour a success in December 2024. We were able to raise over $200 for additional Christmas items for NICA (Northside Iter-Community Agency) during their holiday distribution. Thank you to our sponsors who help make it a success, Norton Drilling, Renegade, Hulk and Halliburton.

This season we will have 2 Distinguished Lecturers visiting our Fort Worth Chapter. In January 2025, Dr. Kyle Murray presented “Pathway for Recovering Valuable Elements of Interest from Subsurface Brines & Oilfield Produced Waters” and during our March 2025 meeting we will have Dr. Leen Weijers presenting “Making Unconventionals Competitive”. In addition to our DL speakers, we have a full season of other volunteers who are eagerly awaiting to share their knowledge and experience.

We are also thankful to announce two members who have joined our SPE Board: Katherine Nunley from Halliburton and Isabella Vigil with Texland Petroleum, L.P. Our board is comprised of volunteers who help our meetings be successful along with community outreach and events. Some events we have lined up are Engineers Week Volunteer event will be on February 11-15, FW SPE Clay Shoot will be on June 20, and the SPE Golf Tournament will be on October 17 at Squaw Creek. If you are wanting to participate, please reach out to Juan Venturi or Logan Vitello.

Thank you again to all our members and sponsors for a wonderful year!

Happy New Year!

Gladys L. Mata 



Volunteers Needed!

Have you ever thought about volunteering in the SPE?  There are many benefits, including:
  • Enhancing your leadership skills.
  • Influencing SPE programs and activities with your knowledge and experience.
  • Meeting and working with other members near you and around the globe.
  • Contributing in your area of interest.
The SPE Fort Worth Section is looking for volunteers to fill open board positions. If you would like to help support your local chapter and work with some great people, please contact the SPE Fort Worth Section and let us know!
Fort Worth Section

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Scholarship applications for the $12,000 SPE Fort Worth Section Scholarship for the 2025-26 school year are being accepted. Qualifying students may receive up to $12,000 to help them with college expenses as they pursue a career in Oil and Gas. Deadline for new applications is April 15th, 2025

For more information - click here